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    2022 Miniworkshop on interaction between geometric topology and mathematical physics

    2022-05-23 皇冠手机娱乐游戏平台 点击:[]

    2022 Miniworkshop on interaction between geometric topology and mathematical physics

    Place: Online. The tencent meeting id is 467771970(No password).


    Time: 9am (Beijing time), 26 May, 2022

    Speaker: Dr. Peng Zhao (ITP)

    Title: Remarks on 2d unframed quiver gauge theories

    Abstract: 2d quiver gauge theories provide Kahler quotient construction of quiver varieties. By studying Seiberg-like dualities, we found a cluster algebra structure on the kahler moduli space.Mathematically, this translates to the equivalence of Gromov-Witten theories of quiver varieties related by cluster transformations, known as the Mutation conjecture. I will discuss examples of unframed quivers such as the kronecker quiver and the Markov quiver. They provide an infinite class of equivariant GIT quotients. Our physical analysis suggests a correspondence between the abelian necklace quiver and the nonabelian 2d SQCD.

    Time: 10:30am (Beijing time), 26 May, 2022

    Speaker: Dr. Yuhang Chen (OSU)

    Title: Equivariant Moduli theories on K3 Surfaces

    Abstract: We study the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch (HRR) theorem for proper smooth quotient Deligne-Mumford stacks, explore its relation with representation theory of finite groups, and derive a new orbifold HRR formula via an orbifold Mukai pairing. As a first application, we use this formula to compute the dimensions of G-equivariant moduli spaces of stable sheaves on a K3 surface X under the action of a finite subgroup G of its symplectic automorphism group. We then apply the orbifold HRR formula to reproduce the number of fixed points on X when G is cyclic without using the Lefschetz fixed point formula. We prove that under some mild conditions, equivariant moduli spaces of stable sheaves on X are irreducible symplectic manifolds deformation equivalent to Hilbert schemes of points on X via a connection between Gieseker and Bridgeland moduli spaces, as well as the derived McKay correspondence.As a corollary, these moduli spaces are also deformation equivalent to G-equivaraint Hilbert schemes of points on X.11:30am-12:30pm Lunch time

    Time: 12:30pm (Beijing time), 26 May, 2022

    Speaker: Fenglong You (Oslo)

    Title: Relative quantum cohomology under birational transformations

    Abstract: I will talk about how relative quantum cohomology, defined by Tseng-You and Fan-Wu-You, varies under birational transformations. Relation with FJRW theory and extremal transitions of absolute Gromov--Witten theory will also be discussed.

    Time: 2 pm(Beijing time), 26 May, 2022

    Speaker: Jeongseok Oh ( Imperial College London)

    Title: Virtual cycles on projective completions

    Abstract: For a compact quasi-smooth derived scheme M with (-1)-shifted cotangent bundle N,there are at least two ways to localise the virtual cycle of N to M via torus and cosection localisations, introduced by Jiang-Thomas. We produce virtual cycles on both the projective completion and projectivisation of N and show the ones on the former push down to Jiang-Thomas cycles and the one on the latter computes the difference. Using the idea we study the difference between quintic and twisted quintic Gromov-Witten invariants.

    上一条:英国Ulster大学Jun Liu博士系列学术报告
    下一条:英国贝尔法斯特女王大学Hui Wang教授学术报告

