
2020-11-26  拓扑与几何组 Hits:[]

Topic:Improved Bochner inequality and its important applications on Finsler manifolds

Reporter:Cheng Xinyue

Time: November 27(Friday)14:30-15:30p.m.

Site:Tencent meeting Meeting ID:383 647 219

Abstract:In this talk, we will establish some important inequalities under a lower weighted Ricci curvature bound by using improved Bochner inequality and its integrated form. Firstly, we obtain a sharp Poincare-Lichnerowicz inequality. Then we give a new proof for logarithmic Sobolev inequality. Finally, we obtain an estimate of the volume of geodesic balls and a relative volume comparison of Bishop-Gromov type on Finsler manifolds.

Pre:Mathematics Outlook Forum---Mathematics Series Report Next:Series of academic lectures in the School of Mathematics, SouthWest Jiaotong University: Outliers Detection Is Not So Hard: Approximation Algorithms for Robust Clustering Problems Using Local Search Techniques

